My Hero Pacifica, formally known as Project HeartBeat is a Young Pacific Leads Project dedicated to making it easier for individuals to find donors faster.
What is YPL?
Young Pacific Leaders (YPL) is a youth leadership development initiative sponsored by the U.S. Department of State that focuses on strengthening linkages across the Pacific and the United States.
An annual month-long community service initiative focused on Leading, Engaging, Advocating, Driving change, and Serving. Check out previous YPL LEADS activities in the interactive map found here
YPL alumni-led community service activities take place across the Pacific region. LEADS activities give back to communities while focusing on one or more of the four pillar areas of the YPL Program: Education, Environment and Resource Management, Civic Leadership, Economic and Social Development.
YPL LEADS celebrates the incredible impact Young Pacific Leaders have across the Pacific region and in their communities.
As the 2020/21 Fiji delegate, I wanted to do something that utilizes my tech skills as a software developer. I decided to develop a blood donation web application. I had been noticing the difficulties people face when someone needs blood in an emergency. After discussion with some YPL delegates I found that other communities also face this issue.
HeartBeat matches blood requests to donors. How it works is that you can register as a requester or donor. When someone creates a blood request the algorithm finds all donors that match that blood type and the country and notifies them that a request has been made that matches their details. The request captures the person details, the contact details, the donation address and comments. When a donor chooses to accept a request, it notifies the requester that this donor wants to help.
This platform can be used all over the world completely free as I have made it in a way that caters for all countries.
This is a community project dedicated to help our Pacific community. Support and donations to keep the platform running are always appreciated.