Whats Next?
Your Ideas
Export or email interest list
Create a button so event organizers can export the details of individuals who have clicked interested on an event.
Export / Email Donor List
Create a button so blood requesters can export the details of individuals who have clicked donate on a request.
Make mobile number and email clickable
Make mobile number and email clickable to trigger phone call or email.
Type O message
If type 'O' then you can have a message on home that you are a universal donor.
Donor Profiles
Donors can create detailed profiles, highlighting their availability, donation history, and personal preferences.
Rewards and Recognition
Recognize active donors and promote a culture of giving through rewards and badges.
Education and Awareness
Provide educational resources and raise awareness about the importance of blood donation.
Ability to report users
Include the ability to report users or user-generated content.
In Development
Export or email interest list
Create a button so event organizers can export the details of individuals who have clicked interested on an event.
Export / Email Donor List
Create a button so blood requesters can export the details of individuals who have clicked donate on a request.
Export / Email Interest List
Export or email interest list
Create a button so event organizers can export the details of individuals who have clicked interested on an event.
Export / Email Donor List
Create a button so blood requesters can export the details of individuals who have clicked donate on a request.