My Hero
Be My Hero.
Donate Today !

Join our growing community of Heros. Download the app today!

Be Someones' Hero, Donate Blood Today.
Welcome to our life-saving community! Our platform is dedicated to connecting individuals in urgent need of blood with potential donors efficiently and swiftly. Join us today and help us save lives.

Whats Next?
Your Ideas
Export or email interest list
Create a button so event organizers can export the details of individuals who have clicked interested on an event.
Export / Email Donor List
Create a button so blood requesters can export the details of individuals who have clicked donate on a request.
Make mobile number and email clickable
Make mobile number and email clickable to trigger phone call or email.
Type O message
If type 'O' then you can have a message on home that you are a universal donor.
Donor Profiles
Donors can create detailed profiles, highlighting their availability, donation history, and personal preferences.
Rewards and Recognition
Recognize active donors and promote a culture of giving through rewards and badges.
Education and Awareness
Provide educational resources and raise awareness about the importance of blood donation.
Ability to report users
Include the ability to report users or user-generated content.
Admin Dashboard for Organizations
Have a admin dashboard for organizations to easily manage org level tasks.
In Development
Export or email interest list
Create a button so event organizers can export the details of individuals who have clicked interested on an event.
Export / Email Donor List
Create a button so blood requesters can export the details of individuals who have clicked donate on a request.
Launch Event
Add Platform Summary
Add top level stats on the homepage.
Future Plans,
Your Ideas.
We want to continuously Improve this platform and your ideas and feedback can greately help us, and Submit Your Ideas!
Send Us Your Feedback
What is MyHero Pacifica?
My Hero Pacifica is a Young Pacific Leads (YPL) project dedicated to making it easier and faster for individuals to find blood donors.
The platform matches blood requests to donors. How it works is that you can register as a requester or donor. When someone creates a blood request the algorithm finds all donors that match that blood type and the country and notifies them that a request has been made that matches their details. The request captures the person details, the contact information, the donation address and comments. When a donor chooses to accept a request, it notifies the requester that this donor wants to help.
Is MyHero Pacifica Free?
This platform can be used all over the Pacific completely free.
What is YPL Leads?
Young Pacific Leaders (YPL) is a youth leadership development initiative sponsored by the U.S. Department of State that focuses on strengthening linkages across the Pacific and the United States.
An annual month-long community service initiative focused on Leading, Engaging, Advocating, Driving change, and Serving.
YPL alumni-led community service activities take place across the Pacific region. LEADS activities give back to communities while focusing on one or more of the four pillar areas of the YPL Program: Education, Environment and Resource Management, Civic Leadership, Economic and Social Development.
YPL LEADS celebrates the incredible impact Young Pacific Leaders have across the Pacific region and in their communities
Who can register?
Requesters: Anyone who needs blood.
Donors: Individuals who are willing to donate blood.
Organizations: Organizations who want to request or help or run blood donation events.
What countries does MyHero Pacifica support?
Who runs MyHero Pacifica?
My Hero Pacifica is a community project developed and managed by CRESPIRE - Creatively Inspire Pte Ltd. This is a self funded platform and funding support to maintain this platform is always appreciated.
App Feedback
“We hope that MyHero Pacifica is able to help our Pacific community save lives. CRESPIRE is commited to helping our communities thrive.”
Akshay Deo
CRESPIRE • Founder
Innovation Award
“Most Innovative Activity: Akshay Deo 🇫🇯 During YPL LEADS, Akshay hosted the virtual launch of Project Heartbeat, a free platform developed by Akshay that matches blood requests to donors. Akshay has received the YPL LEADS Award as recognition of his innovative LEADS activity that has a positive impact on many living across the Pacific.”
Young Pacific Leaders
App Feedback
“We hope that MyHero Pacifica is able to help our Pacific community save lives. CRESPIRE is commited to helping our communities thrive.”
Akshay Deo
CRESPIRE • Founder
Innovation Award
“Most Innovative Activity: Akshay Deo 🇫🇯 During YPL LEADS, Akshay hosted the virtual launch of Project Heartbeat, a free platform developed by Akshay that matches blood requests to donors. Akshay has received the YPL LEADS Award as recognition of his innovative LEADS activity that has a positive impact on many living across the Pacific.”
Young Pacific Leaders